Oct Work day


New member
What are the details? Dates, Times, meeting place.... I remember I read something on it but can't remember where. I have always wanted to come up and help out and meet some of the other people from this site. Years past has me traveling up for the rally a couples weeks before.... I was always kinda wishing those work days would be for week after the rally so I can hit both the work day and rally... This year though... got some extra vacation days and the rally seems to be moving into a different route.


Staff member
There is a thread going in the Event Calendar section. Rather than repeat all I have said there, I will point you in the right direction.

Follow ME!



New member
Ohhhhh - it IS the weekend after the rally this year... now to convince my wife to head to the UP for our 10th anniversary then I might be able to do both... if that fails... might not be able to do either... she doesn't like cold... I have an up-hill battle...

Thanks John for the linnk.