Off Trail Guides?


New member
Heading up to Twin Lakes area in January and we have a few that would like to have a guide to take them off trail in the backcountry for one of the days riding.
Any recomendations or where I can get ahold of one?



oh wait now, that was supposed to be $250, I'll have to change that, just kidding, he he he

I did just get an email about guiding and I would love to get out there. My only problem is that I am tied up remodeling the Greenland town hall for snowmobile lodging. Gonna be painting it this Thurs. I need 3 more weeks, maybe 4 still so dates for me to guide are still up in the air. I do apologize for not being on the ball but I have a lot riding on the building project and need to complete it before I can ride. I do know some very good spots to ride in that general area and if the dates work out I will be glad to do it. Last season I took many out riding last season, ask "dhealy" or "local897" here on JD's site.

I'll keep you guys posted on dates. I have been sick for the last few days so my production has slowed but none the less pressing foreward.


New member
oh wait now, that was supposed to be $250, I'll have to change that, just kidding, he he he

I did just get an email about guiding and I would love to get out there. My only problem is that I am tied up remodeling the Greenland town hall for snowmobile lodging. Gonna be painting it this Thurs. I need 3 more weeks, maybe 4 still so dates for me to guide are still up in the air. I do apologize for not being on the ball but I have a lot riding on the building project and need to complete it before I can ride. I do know some very good spots to ride in that general area and if the dates work out I will be glad to do it. Last season I took many out riding last season, ask "dhealy" or "local897" here on JD's site.

I'll keep you guys posted on dates. I have been sick for the last few days so my production has slowed but none the less pressing foreward.

Okay here is the deal. I am bringing 2 trim carpenters their hammer swinging Boss (smurfrider)and a tileguy (me). we come up finish off the place and you take us riding. How far is the job from the Bluff? I can't help out until at least Jan. 23rd. got a Tog trip in there first. If it don't snow soon out there I can have the guys up on the 9th to the 16th of Jan. We will barter. Toss it around Lenny. I will be leaving in the am for Irons, no internet at cabin. back after New Years. you know were to find me! Who knows maybe we can get fgsact and cuzzinolaf to chip in too.


wow, that's cool!

I guess at this point we just see what happens because I hope to be complete by Jan 23. Tomorrow I second coat the 80- 4x12x1/2 sheets of rock, wed final, Thurs sand & cleanup, Fri prime, sat & sun color, Mon-wed refinish maple floors, etc,,,,,,

Lets see what actually transpires over this next week because I may have a good week if all goes well


New member
wow, that's cool!

I guess at this point we just see what happens because I hope to be complete by Jan 23. Tomorrow I second coat the 80- 4x12x1/2 sheets of rock, wed final, Thurs sand & cleanup, Fri prime, sat & sun color, Mon-wed refinish maple floors, etc,,,,,,

Lets see what actually transpires over this next week because I may have a good week if all goes well

sounds good.


New member
Lenny is a great guide, an excellent rider, and a super guy. I would highly recommend riding with him. Our crew hopes to hook up with him for sure again this season on at least one or more of our trips to the yoop.

Lenny, glad to hear the good news on the cabin, hopefully that deal finalizes for you. Someone will be getting a very well built cabin in a great location!! And good luck getting the "town hall" completed, that will make some great lodging for you, your customers, and your business.



New member
lenny is the man!

what day are you all going to be up I am going to be up 15-17th I am willing to take some ppl out. I ride out of Rockland. i dont know as many spots as Lenny but the fun is just going out and finding them. Knowing where your at and can ride helps! This past weekend i hit some Copper County forest roads with a good 2feet + right off the beet up power line. Helmet cam is kicking my a$$ or i would have video of it.


Andrew, glad to see you are having fun. I highly recommend all off trail riders to get a plat book of the county they are riding in to be 100% certain they are not on some one's private property. Some land owners hate sledders and some don't want you out there for no other reason than it's not your property and rightfully so since it is their property. They alone say yes or no to riders. I consider all private land as a big NO NO. I do realize all land it private in a sense. Most locals understand what is ride able and what is not. I print out the pages in my plat book and study them in detail.

At first I did explore and didn't know where I was going and I WILL not do that anymore. I do not want to be responsible in any way for more regulations imposed on sledders. Off-trail riding problems affects all riders, trail and back country. So please please consider seriously knowing for sure where you are going. Off trail is big now in da UP and I need to seriously encourage the explorers to do their homework before we all hear about it.

I am not coming down on you Andrew, just want to see you have your fun without conflict. We may not even know we have offended someone by running on their land so it is imperative we not run on private land. Rockland has a butt load of camps and private tracts, also some good paper land


New member
Good advise Lenny! I learned the hard way and now we have a bunch of new laws to limit our freedoms. If you send a ******* to madison to make laws they will do it!


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