Off trail Mass to Houghton


New member
A group of guys are coming up next weekend for some off trail. We are staying at Krupps. Normaly we do a Mass to Houghton power line run. We are also going to try another north of the bridge run. Phoenix to **** town??? ( I heard it called this once it is a old rader station)

Anybody that wants to do a little off trail hit me up, or if you want to give out some spots.


New member
I did not know that we kinda found it by accident last year while ridding the lines. we just followed the tracks up the hill and there where tracks everywhere. never noticed a posted sign.

we will keep this in mind.


New member
Dont think the off trail will be very good. I dont think there is that much snow yet. I am going there thursday through sunday, I hope the LES hammers them this weekend. I am going with my wife and another couple so trail riding it is for us!!!! She only goes once a year so I can't complain. Have fun lets hope they get some this week!!


New member
me and a group of guys are headed to mass city this friday for the weekend too! we are hoping for the LES gun to let lose and as well


New member
Mud Runs

You better hope for a "LOT" of LES. The trails were nothing but mud runs 2 days ago. And they were being ran on???????


New member
9" inch of snow reported in Hancock last night with LES snow forcasted every day through the weekend.


Dont think the off trail will be very good. I dont think there is that much snow yet. I am going there thursday through sunday, I hope the LES hammers them this weekend. I am going with my wife and another couple so trail riding it is for us!!!! She only goes once a year so I can't complain. Have fun lets hope they get some this week!!

yup, if Twin lakes only got an inch than they will be in poor shape for off trail. The warm temps and rain did a number on this entire region and with this bitter cold it is crust now. We need a few feet to see a fair off trail condition again. It could happen so calling ahead is important at this time.


New member
I am going to put a loud exhaust on for you Ted! maybe even be a parking lot idiot! I thought I made it clear in my responce post that I would not go back. I am sorry to all you holier than thou snowmobiliers. I have a joke for all of you all, knock knock!


New member
Dont think the off trail will be very good. I dont think there is that much snow yet. I am going there thursday through sunday, I hope the LES hammers them this weekend. I am going with my wife and another couple so trail riding it is for us!!!! She only goes once a year so I can't complain. Have fun lets hope they get some this week!!

My wife and I are headed UP next week, as long as it looks good. I see your in Kankakee, I'm in Joliet. What area are going to hit? I have to trail ride with the wife also:rolleyes: