Off trail riding Sat. the 28th


New member
Well we have been getting a lot of snow here already for this week, if things stay nice it looks to be like a great weekend to hit the woods.

But my riding buddy might be headed home for the weekend, so I'm looking for someone else. Otherwise he will come as well.

I'm not a super great rider but can hold my own, if you are a out west veteran that wants to take it easy or someone that is just getting started we could probably have a pretty good time at the spot I have in mind. I would be headed North out of Houghton

Give me a shout!

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Active member
oh boy, cuzzin is offering super dupper ubber sercet spots??? Now I know I have to stay around this weekend. Hopefully the untouched spots we left last Saturday are still in tact!


New member
Well I do have a decent spot in mind, but I wasn't going to say anything since everyone else would go "well duh" and beat me there. Sounds like Wiggsfive is coming with, if you want to come too and show us up/around that is fine by me Cuzzinolaf.

Last weekend I rode with a guy that pretty much made me look like a clown, but it was fine to hang back a bit and stay out of trouble while he shredded the hills like a crazy person.



New member
Yes sir, it was a sight to see. Have fun with your group, hopefully we can get some good places going for us. Its going to be low key for sure, just a good day in the woods.



New member
Well we have one heck of a group put together at this point, looks like we are going to meet at 8 am at the the bridge on Saturday for all those that are joining. Looks like I'm going to need more hotdogs. I will call everyone I have numbers for in the next couple of nights to get everything squared away.
