Ohio Boys Gaylord Area Trip Feb 13-17


New member
A group of 11 of us from Northwest Ohio spent 4 nights in a house in the Lakes of the North development halfway between Gaylord and Mancelona.

Started out thursday morning and headed to Mac. Unfortunately I don't have many pictures from this day as the trails were just to smooth and fast to stop for a few pictures. Outside of Gaylord and Indian River, we only past a handful of sleds all day. Here's a shot of the trail between Cheybogan and the Mac. I think I-75 coming up had more bumps than this trail did.

Ended the day with just over 200 miles. Never would have known it except for the low oil light and a lighter wallet.

Friday we headed towards East Jordan. First ones on a freshly groomed trail between Alba and East Jordan. Turned around and headed back to the Green Lantern for lunch. Spent the rest of the day riding off trail. Found some great play areas that amazingly had not been touched all season.

Saturday was much of the same as Friday. Some trail riding in the morning then went and found some more play areas off trail. Snow was deep and the powder was soft. Some of the guys decided to hit the trails Saturday night for a last ride before heading back to Ohio in the morning and they sure found some major moguls. Anyways here's the rest of the pictures. Quality isn't the best as I only had my camera phone, but we had a blast.

Snow on front porch picnic table

The group takin a rest

Resting after a race around the bowl

Andy and Gene takin a break

The water crossing

Rookie waterskippers




My ZR 580 waitin for some more