Okay, Here's Something Other Than Covid

Okay, I decided to share some of my knowledge of the U.P. that many here might not know about. With summer coming there are a couple of U.P. places off the beaten path where you can get away from folks and enjoy the great U.P. outdoors.

First, is the mouth of Huron River outside of Lanse. I have to admit I have been there only a couple of times in my life. I was a little kid when I first went there with my parents. I don't remember much from that visit. However, I do remember at that time there were terrible roads to get to the place. It was really off the beaten path. Anyway, I still remember approaching the area. There was this white moss on the ground that looked like snow. I think we were going through a stand of pine trees. Once you reach the park there is a beautiful white sand beach and of course the Huron River. Out in Lake Superior, you can see several islands. At least when I was there one had what looked to be a castle. Don't know if that is still there. Since that time I have been up stream a ways and have fished at Big Eric's Bridge where two branches of the river come together. I also believe there is a campground by Big Eric's Bridge. However, that first trip to the mouth of the Huron River has struck me with awe.

Second, and more well known is Agate Beach not too far from Toivola and Twin Lakes. Get yourself some pasties from Krupp's and head on down for a picnic. This place I have been to many times and they do have rustic camping sites. The Little Elm River empties into Lake Superior at the southwest end of the park. In my opinion, this is the best part of the park. Where the river enters Lake Superior you can wade across the river to the other side. It is only a little more than ankle deep. Then you have miles of beach shore all to yourself. Best to go there when there is an on shore wind. There will be no bugs then, and in the heat of summer if there is an onshore wind the Lake is warm enough to swim in.
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