OMG This is fricken hilarious! Thanks for "Keeping the trail safe" guys!

Cat Woman

New member
OMG This is fricken hilarious!!!!!!!! I'm all but rolling around on the ground! Rockford Park District Police at their finest! Thanks for "Keeping the Trails Safe" guys. They had to be sooo embarressed!!!!!!!!!

There was no link for this video, maybe someone knows how to do this properly? It's the first video to the right titled "Aaron at Lockwood Park... Snowmobile Tips Over". Funny part starts 1 minute into the video. Was live just this morning...


New member
Ohhhhh...toooo embarrassing. They should get a breathalizer, or atleast re-take sled safety course!!


I don't think the second guy was paying attention. Even the news guy says that's why you should stay on the trail.


Active member
when the guy asked if they hit the livecaster, did he say right after that, that they hit it yesterday, lmao...morons.


New member
And this is where our DNR "Registration/Trail Pass" money goes? Sheesh......

Yup! These guys should go through the snowmobile safety course again! Maybe they are the instructors! Yikes!! The new generation riders are in trouble! Dealers will like it though! One way to boost the economy. Maybe the new administration is behind it!


New member
That is AWESOME! It's funny when the first guy tips over, but even better when #2 comes after and runs into him, and tips over. Not that we haven't all had those dumb moments (no, no, not me....) but there is no video evidence of my stupidity, and I don't have POLICE written in big letters across the front of my sled either. Classic.