Online meteorology


New member
Have you ever considered organizing and teaching an online class? You seem to have the human touch, and it could be a way to generate some extra cash.




I sure do love talking about the weather to folks and even explaining things. I do a lot of visiting to the local school classrooms in the area and get to talk to the students about the weather and enjoy that a bunch too.

Even asked MI Tech if they were interested in me teaching their intro to meteorology class a few years back, but was looked at like I was from Mars! Perhaps I am just not up to the standards in their eyes because I am not a professor or have a MS/PhD. I would venture to guess my real world exerience is equal to a PhD, but oh well.

Even if I was asked at this point I would not have the time to teach a class at Tech or anywhere else. It would be fun to develop an online meteorology class, but right now I can barely keep my head above water as it is! Perhaps when I retire!
