Open Letters To Old Mr. Winter:


New member
Dear Mr. Winter,

I am so very sorry that you have contracted a very nasty flu virus. This has been what,.....
3 or 4 years in a row now? You really should have that checked out. Or are you just getting
tired in your old age Mr. Winter? Is there anything I can get You? All my friends here have done
their best to make you feel better Mr. Winter,.... New Snowmobiles, Snowblowers, Snowplows,
Snow Shovels, New Trucks to accommodate You, New Trailers for you to slush all up,...
But yet Mr. Winter,... You seem to be not interested in our help??
Mr. Winter,.. Some of us have even gone out of our way to do snow dances, and have gotten
sick ourselves in the process.
Our good friend John Dee has made this wonderful website for all of us to congregate around and
send our best wishes and thoughts and even prayers out to you Mr. Winter.
But even Mr. Dee was stricken with illness last week. This is what You gave in return?
All of his hard work he does to please You Mr. Winter,....
We go to bed at night thinking about how wonderful You are Mr. Winter,...All that beautiful white snow
to wake up to,.... to play in,.... ahhh,... Mr. Winter,... is there ANYTHING ELSE we can do for You
to make You feel better? There has to be something Mr. Winter?
What's that Mr. Winter? I CAN'T HEAR YOU!!!!!
Oh,.... I'm sorry,... I have mistakenly placed my Klim Boot over your throat,....
Let me remove that for You Mr. Winter.
Is That Better?
What's that Mr. Winter? Your Fever is spiking? and You have to bring us yet ANOTHER thaw,...
and RAIN to boot?
You know Mr. Winter,... If You just bring down some arctic air to go along with that moisture,....
You might feel a whole lot better dumping 2 or more feet of nice heavy white snow across the ENTIRE
Midwest and beyond,.... Wouldn't THAT be nice to get off Your chest?
What Mr. Winter???
I am just plugging Your Life Support Machine back into the wall socket. Someone must have tripped
over it and unplugged it. By the looks of the dust that has covered it,.... It must have been unplugged for
a VERY LONG Time. Geez Mr. Winter,.... I sure hope THAT helps.
Time to go out to the garage and sweep around the snowmobiles.
I will say another prayer for You tonight Mr. Winter.
I sure Hope You feel better REAL SOON Mr. Winter,.....

One of Your biggest Fans,


Yes,.... this is what it has come down to. Can you believe it?
Though it may be pathetic,.....Something has to help????



Dear Mr. Winter,
Thank you for being so kind this year and bringing the temps up just a bit again this January of 2013. I'm planning on riding my motorcycle again this year in January. It will be very enjoyable to be able to ride in the middle of winter or what I now call sprinter. I really appretiated the sun this past Saturday. It's too bad others are really mad at you, but maybe one of these days they will decide to sell all their winter toys, and buy summer toys to use all year round. Gee, I don't miss my sleds at all this year, I'm really enjoying you being under the weather. It's too bad but maybe this summer you could get some old Chinese herbs to help with next years illness.
Well I gotta go and get the battery charged on the bike so it will be ready for a ride this weekend.

Thanks for all the warmups Mr. Winter, your the best.
Your Friend,


Old bald, clammy Man winter,, now listen here you wretched rotting bag of worms, you got one decision to make and to make soon, GET YOUR BUTT IN GEAR or you'll have no butt except one with a size 12 boot hangin out of,, you stinking ugly barren mongrel :mad:
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Well-known member
Old bald, clammy Man winter,, now listen here you wretched rotting bag of worms, you got one decision to make and to make soon, GET YOUR BUTT IN GEAR or you'll have no butt except one with a size 12 boot hangin out of,, you stinking ugly barren mongrel :mad:

Lenny see you in CO mountains this LES thing just not working out at all for any of us. I keep trying to latch on to a storm but just will not happen week after week month after month! Old man winter will soon be Baby Spring.:(


Super Moderator
Staff member
Message for Old Man Winter
(edited for family standards)

I want to look him straight in the eye and I want to tell him what a cheap, lying, no-good, rotten, four-flushing, low-life, snake-licking, dirt-eating, inbred, overstuffed, ignorant, blood-sucking, dog-kissing, brainless, hopeless, heartless, fat-a$$, bug-eyed, stiff-legged, spotty-lipped, worm-headed sack of monkey sh-t he is!

Chevy Chase
Christmas Vacation


Message for Old Man Winter
(edited for family standards)

I want to look him straight in the eye and I want to tell him what a cheap, lying, no-good, rotten, four-flushing, low-life, snake-licking, dirt-eating, inbred, overstuffed, ignorant, blood-sucking, dog-kissing, brainless, hopeless, heartless, fat-a$$, bug-eyed, stiff-legged, spotty-lipped, worm-headed sack of monkey sh-t he is!

Chevy Chase
Christmas Vacation

now now Gary, no name calling!


New member
Message for Old Man Winter
(edited for family standards)

I want to look him straight in the eye and I want to tell him what a cheap, lying, no-good, rotten, four-flushing, low-life, snake-licking, dirt-eating, inbred, overstuffed, ignorant, blood-sucking, dog-kissing, brainless, hopeless, heartless, fat-a$$, bug-eyed, stiff-legged, spotty-lipped, worm-headed sack of monkey sh-t he is!

Chevy Chase
Christmas Vacation

That's good stuff Gary!!! I love that flick

And, oh yeah, Dearest Mr Winter...go pound sand!!!! You worthless old koot. Make up your mind already would ya, either warm or cold


New member
Wow Mr. Winter,
Nice "sneezing" job,...
Rain and Warm temps are always welcome in
January. N O T !!!!!!
At least you didn't let it rain here as long as we thought it would.
Thanks a Ton Mr. Winter.

Oh ya,...
and also thanks for giving me the blues.
I found out last night that My Vacation request for
the weekend of the Ride-In was D E N I E D !!!!!
Geez, what a Great Night I had.
I am blaming all my Woes on YOU Mr. Winter.
and now I look at the forecast maps of Johns,... and
You are ONLY going to "bless" SMALL portions of the U.P.
With large amounts of snow?
Are You going to hire trucking companies to haul the excess stuff
down to the REST of us sorry A$$es?
Well Are You Mr. Winter???
Thanks a lot.



I guess AlumaDoo put it best Mr. Winter,
Go Pound Sand!




New member
Good morning Mr. Winter!
I think I will look out my window, to see the nice couple of
inches your "clipper" brought me today.

But I was smack dab in the middle of Everyones projected clipper path!!!
What have "I" ever done to you Mr. Winter,... to EVER deserve this???
Geez Mr. Winter,....
Another night at work with "Hey Vin!,... How's that new sled doing?"
You're Cruzin' for a Bruzin' Old Mr. Winter!
This is down right Pathetic.
You need a good kick in the snowballs Mr. Winter!

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Active member
Old man winter, here's the plain and simple truth YOU SUCK! I'm not gonna sugar coat it anymore.



New member
Hey there again Mr. Winter!

Well,... I just arose from my slumber,....
anticipating a good 2 or more inches of white gold
out my window from the clipper going through,.....
YOU REALLY A R E a Cruel _ _ _ _ard!, Aren't You Old Man Winter!
WOW! a 1/2 inch of snow! GEEZ Thanks!
The "ONLY" Good thing when I look at the current Weather Service Radar,....
Is You are at LEAST going from West to East filling up the WHOLE U.P. with
what looks like continuous snow,.....
Conveniently scraping the Wisconsin Border.
As a professional drunk driver walking a perfect line on a road test.
You are Cruel Old Man Winter.
Oh so Cruel!

I'll be back! I have to "sweep off" the driveway!



New member
Holy Cow!
I had this horrible dream!
I dreamed that the only rideable snow was certain
selected spots of the U.P.,... and every man, woman, and child within
hours (even days) was in search of it! And in my dream,... I dreamed
that the 1/2 in of snow remaining in NorthEastern Wisconsin had eroded
by a 43 degree Saturday,... only to be followed by a 5 degree high on Sunday,...
Oh My! what a Horrible dream!


It WASN'T a dream?

Old Mr. Winter,..... How cruel can one REALLY be?
As I type this,.....A freaking MOTORCYCLE just rode by!!!!!
ON JANUARY 19th? 40 miles NORTH of the "Frozen Tundra"???

I WANT A MULLIGAN on this year.
Oh wait,.... I used that up on LAST year!
Or was it the year before?

Time to head down to the "Man Cave",... Crack open one of many,....
and watch a snowmobile video or 10.

Thanks Old Mr. Winter!

For those of You that DID travel up Nort der eh,.....
Please watch out for the others,.... and enjoy your time!
Be Carefull! and share some photo's with the rest of us.


New member
O.K. Old Mr. Winter,...
One more time to "kiss your arse"
Looking at John's forecast and some others that compare,...
I'm offering a nice foot rub, prime rib, and your favorite wash!
PLEASE Old Mr. Winter,.... let there be LOCAL sledding for all
to enjoy very soon.
As I look out the window at the ugly brown frozen yard,....
I'm envisioning a foot or more (total acummulation from multiple dumpings in the next week)
and picturing happy snowmobilers and businesses locally.
Doesn't that sound swell?

O.K. Mr. Winter, I'm going to work now,... with my fingers crossed that when I come
home in the morning, I will have a nice 4 to 6 inches (or surprizingly MORE) to Shovel!

Fingers crossed!


Super Moderator
Staff member
You may get your wish Vin. The local forecast is calling for "heavier amounts" north of Green Bay on Friday. Not a great amount but at least it's a start if it stays cold, we can build on this.



New member
We did receive a decent amount of nice wet heavy snow!
Thank You Old Mr. Winter!

But now it is 37,....
and tomorrow 48 and rain,....
the Wed.,....12????

Really Old Mr. Winter??
I take back that thank you.
