Opening Day for whitetail, who got one?


New member
my party got blanked out this opening day, that hasnt happened since ive been hunting!

lets see what everyone else got!


Active member
Opening day was a bust for me but my son scored a 10 pointer. The second pic was his bow buck from earlier in the season. This is once again his year and not dads.....SO FAR!!!!


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Active member
Nothin opening day but I got this one before my first drink of coffee this morning so I was late getting to my stand it still worked out ok


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Active member
Yes, I dont have to gut, drag and process a deer and deal with all that work!

It really does feel great seeing him so happy especially with all the b.s. that he has been going through this last bit. Good for him!!


New member
My 10 pointer

I got this one Wednesday morning.
10 point, 190 pound.
Definitely my personal best!


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Well-known member
I did not shoot one but found one when doing my daily bike ride. It looks like it was shot then crossed the canal and they could not find it. Was going to take it but they said they did not think the meat would be good.



New member
my opening day started out 28 degrees and calm.alot of shooting far off till about 7:30 then sporatic all far away.i am on 15 acres surrounded by private land 1/4 mile away from rome wildlife marsh.none of the neighbors were hunting so no pressure.had a grouse fly in and stay awhile and i had fun with a bunch of squirrels seeing i was in there jungle jim/ tree house.did not see one yet