Options for covering/enclosing 14' trailer


Well-known member
We use a 14' aluminum open trailer for three short-track sleds. We like the trailer, it has a big salt shield on it, but we don't like all the salt and road grime getting on the sleds, event with covers on the sleds. Are there decent options to covering the trailer or at least the sleds to keep them clean while traveling? The trailer is a 1998, so we wouldn't want to dump much money into it. Ultimately it would be great if the trailer also served as storage for the sleds when we are not on trips but for now the main concern is keeping the road grime and salt off them when traveling. It's incredible the wear and tear they get on them from trailering compared to sleds that never see an open trailer.


Well-known member
Thanks. It might make more sense to just sell it and buy an enclosed trailer, but hoping there might be an inexpensive option to cover it.


New member
I had a top custom made from van kams in muskegon ,mi it wasnt cheap but the best investment i ever made !!! All year storage !! These guys are snomobilers and they know what works and what doesnt!!! Also you can remove the topper and put it onto the next trailer!! Be careful with the canvas tops there is one manufacturer that i heard has substandard poles ...


New member
Blue tarp amd bag o bungees $19 total from Harbor Frt. Seriously, cash in that trailer for an enclosed inline and a payment book.
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