Orion Trailer Skis


New member
Hello out there! I purchased a used Orion trailer to tow behind my sled and carry supplies. The company was Canadian, and appears to have gone under. I have worn out its set of skis, and there is no make, model or serial on the skis. Does anyone have any idea what they are, or will anything just work? Thanks.


New member
Orion Sleighs

Hey Everybody - Thanks to bearrassler for putting me in touch with Orion Selds & Trailers. I know that John doesn't want people to advertise their own stuff, but check out http://www.orionsleds.com/home.html. Dean Hedrickson's brainchild. Super guy and good products. I've got ski's on the way, and my snomogrille sleigh will be up and running this winter!