Our Sincere Thank You


New member
The Superior Snowmobile Club of Greenland, Mass City & Twin Lakes would like to thank each and every one of you that rode our trails this season and supported the business's in our grooming area with lodging, food, fuel, snowmobile supplies, any monies that you tossed into our miniature groomer cannisters, etc. It is greatly appreciated.

This year the end of snowmobiling season came early and know many of you were hoping for 1 more ride. Have a great spring, summer & fall and we will all look forward to next snowmobiling season. Time moves on quickly-in no time at all you'll be counting the days for Dec. 1, 2010.

Thanks again.


New member
Thank YOU for all you guys do to help us have a great time in the Keeweenaw!!!Have a great year yourselves & hope to see ya soon!:)


New member
Thank you Superior Snowmobile Club for taking the time out of your daily schedules to take care of the trails and make our trips so enjoyable. Without all of you and your hard work we wouldn't have the fun memories year after year!

But I have a very special Thank you to send out to Sandy and Richard at Krupps!!
During on our last trip we had a bit of a rough weekend filled with accidents. Unfortuntley one lead to a trip to the ER, 4 broken bones in my ankle and a very long ride back to IL. After surgery and some time of sitting at home I have received a very special Get Well card from Sandy and Richard. This is just another reason why we continue to visit the Twin Lakes area. We weren't just a name in the books that weekend. They have kept us in their thoughts and have been concerned about us.
I want Sandy and Richard to know that we appreciate the thoughts and well wishes. I also want to say Thank you for taking the time to send a card to me; it means more than you know.
Looking forward to the first trip next year. Think snow!!!!


Thank you Krupps, you guys are the tops. Before i moved to da UP, Krupps was my favorite place. A special thanks to Richard and Sandy for who you are, honest and people of integrity. I love you guys!


New member
Would also like to also give a big THANK YOU for another great season (and hopefully many more) to Richard and Sandy Krupp/Krupps Resort, Dave and Lori Sleeman/Wildlife Refuge Cabins/Wildife Filling Station, Deb and Crew from Krupps Mini Mart, and all the volunteer groomer operators. Can't wait to get up there and see you all again this summer! Thanks again:)


Super Moderator
Staff member
Im not giving up yet! I still have hopes for a big dump up there! I have ridden mid April after all the snow was gone and plan for it to happen this year"!

Scottiking"fingerscrossed" OUT

Would also like to also give a big THANK YOU for another great season (and hopefully many more) to Richard and Sandy Krupp/Krupps Resort, Dave and Lori Sleeman/Wildlife Refuge Cabins/Wildife Filling Station, Deb and Crew from Krupps Mini Mart, and all the volunteer groomer operators. Can't wait to get up there and see you all again this summer! Thanks again:)


Hey Richard and Sandy, The runningbears are having an outing in Paulding next Fri. Gonna have a good time hanging out and looing at the "Paulding Light."
Would you guys be interested in coming out and hanging out? Would love to see some of my most favority people.