We can not get cable were i live so its direct tv or antenna..im just trying to avoid another bill...a one year old daughter is damn expensive!
You want TRUE high def? Get an antenna.
Problem is that when they went to digital, those folks out in the boonies sort of got screwed. VHF, though perhaps snowy...at least traveled far and wide, where as UHF stations are sort of like the difference between AM radio and Fm radio. They work better in the short areas, but suck for long distance.
However...having been in the same situation and having a problem with giving up my FREE tv for TV which keeps on costing you...just like the ever ready bunnie...the bills just keep coming and coming....I found that you CAN get some decent antenna's out there. Remember there really isn't much on TV worth watching anyway so saving on that stuff adds up.
Digital became very very sensative to direction and for me getting up to turn the rotor every time you want to change stations is not very much fun.
Here is my suggestion. Get an "omni directional" antenna and call it a day.
Get one that is fully amplified...you will need all the boost in the signal that you can get because you are DEEP fringe....
An omni is what you often see on an RV or Boat. They look like a saucer on a stick. They cost about 75 bucks or more but they will gain signal and don't need to be rotated as they pick up signal almost 360 degrees..almost.
I found out that they are sensative to angle tho...so before you mount it...spend some time finding the best place so that you can change the angle the saucer is tipped.
Don't mount it in the attic....you loose too much signal there. And I would put a rotater on it so that you can fine tune it cause under some atmospheric conditions it will be required. Don't scrimp on amplifiers cause they are not all created equally and you will need all the boost possible.
You then get FREE tv with FULL digital High DEF qualities. And every month you can save money....enough eventually to buy a brand new sled because you DIDN'T go for the super duper package that ended up costing you $400 to get installed and a monthly fee of $75.