
Pizza Man

New member
In June, it will be 2 years that I've had my pacer.
I got it because I was only beating 22-24 bpm at night.
I had it done at the U of W Madison.
Have checkups via visits to the hospital and through the phone. Neat little box that does all the work. Connects to the phone and just a sending unit you place over your pacer.
About a 2 min test.
Gets the readings and also tells them how much life the battery has left. When put in, the battery is good for about 8 years.
When you need a new one, you just need a small operation to cut, unhook the 2 wires, replace the unit and stitch back up
It's a piece of cake and now I don't ever know I have one.

Hope all works out for you.

Tom Jens


New member
get well John wishing all us 11,671 members could put our arms around you for one heck of a hug(((JOHN)))) be well stay safe and going to say a prayer for you to :)


New member
John, We all love n thank you for providing this site for us. My prayers for you to get better and stay healthy, as snow will start flying in 6 1/2 months :)
