Paradise Inn- Calumet, Mi


New member
John, this is a kindof off the wall question but did not get any response on the other pages, so, can you tell me if the Paradise Inn is open this year and what tother good eating places there are in the general vicinity of Paradise inn and Calumet, any info. is greatly appreciated.


New member
Paradise is still closed and for sale.

Calumet has good food at the Michigan House as well as Carmelitas Southwestern Grill. Carmelitas has just joined up to advertise on the site and will have an add running later this evening. The Michigan House has helped with prizes for the Ride-In. Both have excellent food and are in "Downtown" Calumet.



New member
Got to second the Michigan House! Always a stop for us when in Calumet (as well as Shutes for a drink or two)


Does Mike still run the groomer?

Really liked his little bar. We missed it last year


New member
thank you to everyone who responded, that place looks awesome, and the menu is definitely a nice change from the run of the mill dining we see so much of while we are riding up there, two questions though, are we gonna be able to get there by sleds and if so will they have a sign out on the trail like so many of the other business establishments we frequent?

P.S. John, thanks for the wonderful website!<font color="ff0000">&#149;</font><font color="ff0000">&#149;</font><font color="ff0000">&#149;</font><font color="ff0000">&#149;</font><font color="ff0000">&#149;</font>
The Blaster


New member
Calumet is a snowmobile friendly town and you can ride from the trail to both of these establishments via the road. Just be sure to obey all traffic laws you would in a car.

I am not sure about the signage, but both are on Oak St.
