Pattern Change?


Read an article this morning that mentions a pattern change in January, they say it may take a couple weeks to set up, but the cold air should start moving into the middle of the country. Are you seeing anything that agrees with that in your computer runs? I tend to favor your forecast a little more that the people that forecast for the whole country, but I wont hold you to it hahaha


Staff member
Nope. Very limited info goes that far out and does not show anything like that. Even if it did, that time frame is not really predictable at all.



Well-known member
What I saw on Rhinelander NBC TV long range Jan - March 2016 was more of the same current pattern....very depressing & Rhinelander knows what snow means to the WI northwoods economy.:(


Well-known member
ditto here.
Just watched a video on my weather app that shows more of the same all the way too March.

What I saw on Rhinelander NBC TV long range Jan - March 2016 was more of the same current pattern....very depressing & Rhinelander knows what snow means to the WI northwoods economy.:(


Staff member
Sure. Joe is always good for a quick chuckle. BTW, he hates SkiDoo!

I'm gonna burn for that one.


Well-known member
Would be nice to trend colder & move the current storm track a bit east but it will have to happen real soon for us to have widespread faverable riding conditions in Jan. Only so much time before increased solar angles will warm things up in Feb and without deep snow cover trails will burn down quickly. IDK about this year never been this bad in my 11 years up north


Well-known member
Okay so what does politics have to do with weather?

His view is this El Nino ebb & flow pattern has been ongoing for years nothing new to assume a current political platform regarding the subject. IDK climate change is on my mind too but who knows what the real cause of it?


Active member
Just look what is happening now...first they said all rain(this am) and now 3" of snow for us(this pm) sorry John not bashing you but the idiots from Duluth local news, and NOAA. They cant get tomorrow you really think they can get a month from now right???


Well-known member
This pattern has been pretty good for me and our local area. We got another 3 or 4 inches of snow today and I have groomed already. The temperatures have been in the teens and twenties and the wind has been light.


record breaking temps in Illinois, that was set back in the 70's... Im pretty sure the 70's was good for snow, (although I wasnt born yet) it wasnt global warming then, but is now??.. js.... going to get between 4 and 6 inches of rain in the next 3 days, what a drag.


Well-known member
Weather is cyclic, what mother nature taketh, she giveth. This pattern will change, it's just a matter of time, & it's not too much further.-Mezz


I listen to the WeatherBrains podcast a podcast with met's and weathergeeks and Monday nights scheduled guest couldn't get on so they talked current weather and why no snow. One issue that got mentioned is that the Arctic oscillation is way way up north and holding the cold weather above Canada. So between the El Nino and the AOS they both have kept the midwest from getting snow.

Here is a link to the podcast: