Pet Insurance

John you may want to consider getting Pet insurance we got it a couple a years ago it runs just over $200 a year and covers ACL tears as well as other things. Our dog tore her ACL and the surgery ran $3500 by the time we were done. It would have been covered had we had it at the time. We thought our dog tore hers and when we went to the doc the first time they told us she sprained her knee and to watch it. Started checking into the insurance but didn't pull the pin on it. The dog went back to the vet in an unrelated issue a week later and the vet decided to recheck the knee said that it was tore.
I guess all I am saying is if they discover it is tore it is than to late as it will be a preexisting condition


Staff member
That's good advice skeeter2010. I had always wished I had gotten it for Burt and Baileys when the bills started coming in from all of their vet bills and forgot to look into it for Huck and Millie.

Any tips on who to go with?



New member
I have a 5 1/2 year old dog. We considered it a couple of years ago but decided against it. I think we are ready to purchase some now that he is a little older. We would love some suggestions.


New member
I used to have the phamplets on pet insurance. After Reese had his first TPLO surgery to repair his ACL I was really looking into it. Be careful, the reason I decided against it was the yearly price of $250 plus you have to pay a certain percentage. I think 35% of the bill. I may be wrong with that number. Anyway Reese just had his other ACL fixed about a month ago. I got Care Credit for that surgery. 18 months at 0%.


New member
I've had VPI, for 5 years now. They have two levels of protection. They also have a Care package, but I've never gone that route.

Online services and claims processing is pretty slick, which is nice because usually making a claim is not during a good time.

The coverages are up to a maximum and its usually less than the final bill. The percentages they cover are different for the two levels. So, either way you're going to have out of pocket expenses. Pretty much like having a deductible you don't know in advance.

I'm sure there are others too, you can print out the benefit sheets and compare once others chime in.


New member
We have heard from two couples that have bought insurance and both have had problems with claims. They both indicated that the claims were denied because the "problem was genetic". One dog had a hip that needed surgery and I can't remember the problem the other dog had.