Phone app

John have you considered setting up the site to be easier to use on smart phones?
You know, in all that free time you have. Just kidding.
I really know nothing about how its done but I think it would be great and may get your site more hits. I find myself on my computer less and less at home and more on the smart phone more often and for shorter periods.


Staff member
We have tried, but cannot figure out how to get all things to show up properly. So I guess for now we just have to use it browser style.



Active member
I believe there is a plug in for vbulletin. You are missing out on a lot of traffic by not having a mobile solution in place. It is expected that mobile browsing is going to pass up pc browsing in the not to far future. Analytics #'s should show you the picture for your site. If you are ever in need of some help-consulting, let me know.


Staff member
I believe there is a plug in for vbulletin.

There is, it's called forumrunner and Paul mentioned it above. I understand the move towards mobile browsing and am not ignoring the trend, but traffic is only one half of a successful web site and I need to be able to make the other half work with an app for mobile browsing before rolling it out.
