Plans for the 4th?


Active member
Heading to our cabin in northern Wi. Time on the water, and some 4 wheeling as well. Most likely a few adult beverages, and spend time with friends and family.


Well-known member
I'm with American Legion Riders and we have the St Germain parade this Sunday [30th] and Eagle River, Conover, and Sayner parades on the 4th. We end up n Sayner and it is a good time. The fire dept does the best chicken!


Well-known member
More than likely working right through the 4ths weekend. But, going to Slinger Nationals on the 9th and heading to the Keewenaw on the 13th for 7 days.


Active member
Parade with the fire department. Enjoy the day with my boys and probably stopping a couple friends houses for parties. Then watch the fireworks.