Please help me by replying...


New member
I by no means am a religious man and the threat of rain near weeks end is driving me crazy. I do have faith however that old man winter reads these threads SO.... Post your reply to NO RAIN and he will change it to snow.


Well-known member
I know we have said a little prayer in our house for snow, and not rain. I think that you need to put your faith in a higher power than "old man winter". Rain or snow, life is pretty darn good.


Active member
Rain, rain, go away, come back another day, somethin, somethin, da dah.
The only good thing is, it is still early enough in the winter, that you know we will get more snow.


New member
This rain may postpone our trip Jan 2-5 however I will let the higher power run the universe. I will pray for the Holey Spirit to give me the wisdom to go with life as it is given to me. I could have been born somewhere that food for the day is a worry or freedom is just something to be wished for.

However I have done a snow dance and said a prayer for a breath of cold air and a change to SNOW!


New member
I hope John proves me wrong but the NWS and other long-term forecasts seem to be indicating a shift in the pattern to a BORING one like last January with 20 degrees and no moisture....dry pocket! Yuk. The only good news is that often this results in a very snowy February/March pattern. We can only hope.

After last year I was really praying for a snowy winter but so far my prayers have gone unanswered......


New member
A little rain on the base might not be a bad thing and then some -10-20 weather for a day or two,then 18 in. of wet stuff every thursday till april 15th is my dream !


Yo Ubee, if you're going to dream, DREAM BIG, right!

A little wet stuff, then a good freeze to establish a solid base and a then a good blasting with the white stuff! Yeah baby!


New member
Not sure who the author of this prayer was, but I like it, and no better time to recite it.

Our flurries, that fall from heaven, fill the hollows and the plains. Thy parts did come, my work be done, on clutch, carb, and suspension. Give us this day a mighty storm, (good folks will groom our passes) and help landowners forgive those that trespass against them. Lead us not into bad stations, but deliver us from fouling, for thine is the highmark, the lake run, the touring, from December to April.


Come on Snow Gods--Bless us all with the white gold we ask for and abstain from giving us the liquid precip and warm temps that is hurling towards us. Mother Nature can be a cruel beast at times!!


New member

not sure who the author of this prayer was, but i like it, and no better time to recite it.

Our flurries, that fall from heaven, fill the hollows and the plains. Thy parts did come, my work be done, on clutch, carb, and suspension. Give us this day a mighty storm, (good folks will groom our passes) and help landowners forgive those that trespass against them. Lead us not into bad stations, but deliver us from fouling, for thine is the highmark, the lake run, the touring, from december to april.


Come on snow gods--bless us all with the white gold we ask for and abstain from giving us the liquid precip and warm temps that is hurling towards us. Mother nature can be a cruel beast at times!!
wow..if i only knew how to print this stuff cause santa did not give me that speech recognition thingy i wished for...oh boowho meathead