Plowing of the roads up in UP.


New member
My brother and I went up to the Keewenaw this past weekend and notice an odd pattern on the side of the roads where the snow is plowed. It looks like someone took a skid steet ever 200 feet or so and made a slight indentation in the snow. Any ideas of why they do that? I saw some other areas where someone took a skid steer and cleared out a continuous area in a similiar fashion. Just not sure what they are doing.

Pizza Man

New member
Are you sure they aren't using the side wing on the plow to to push the snow farther over.
Never saw a skid steer do that, to time consuming.


They plow with pay loader to get water off road during melt down and on 45 north there plowing by powerpoles with dozer must be changing them


Active member
They do it with a road grader wing around here. Push back the banks for the melt. Perfect example is FFH13. Also there is always that chance of a freak storm that dumps feet of the wet stuff in the spring. Got to have room for that.