Polaris air cooled engine


I have a 440 polaris air cooled engine that a friend gave me that I would like to sell, it's not stuck comes with carbs, clutch, coil and CDI box. I'm thinking it was originally on a TX440. Make me an offer, can be picked up in Annawan Illinois 61234. 2103 012.jpg 2103 011.jpg 2103 009.jpg 2103 010.jpg


Well-known member
Definitely a TX 440 engine. If you put it on VintageSleds.com , it will most likely sell but shipping is a factor - minimum of $90 to ship it anywhere. Selling price range is probably $100 - $150 (pickup). This is a pretty unique engine and there doesn't seem to be a lot of them out there so there might be somebody willing to pay the price for shipping it. If I were close enough to pick it up, I would for sure be interested. This engine is a beast, as free-airs go. Can't have too many 440 TX engines.


I have put it on Vintage sleds.com, alot of scammers that want to send me $3000.00 I' suppose to keep some and send them the change. ***


Well-known member
I must be slipping. Somehow I missed it. I could have offered to send you $4000. It sucks that a lot of people are basically dishonest. I've bought a fair amount of stuff on VS so somehow the sellers must be able to sort through the clutter.