Polaris Industries Contact


New member
My brother is an Industrial Designer looking for a new position and he saw that Polaris has an opening. He applied to the position already, but I was wondering if anyone here has a contact in HR or the design department that I could maybe give to my brother to hopefully help him out. We all know how frustrating it can be working with large corporations and I gues it isn't always what you know but who you know.

He went to MIAD and this job is perfect for him, he spent some time doing work for Harley and recently completed a design contract for a handheld electronics startup.

If anyone knows someone that I could put him in contact with I would really appreciate a message or email! Thanks in advance!

Think Snow!


Well-known member
Scott Wine is CEO if he has the sack to contact him. IMO better to stick with HR than jump protcall & should be no problem calling HR to follow up. Did you receive my resume for position XYZ & what can I do to schedule an interview ASAP because I really want to work for Polaris a leader in the industry? That kind of BS usually gets a response. Not to be negative but sometimes jobs are posted inside & outside the company as policy even tho they already hand picked the person they want.


Well-known member
Do you know what group the position is in? Is it bikes, sleds, etc... I know a lot of the guys in the Victory group from my days there and could maybe get a name for him from that group.


New member
Thanks guys for the input. The Industrial Design department supports all groups. I appreciate any help you can provide Elf.