Polaris Mechanical Reverse Experts (99 SKS)


Well-known member
How much if any play should there be when you turn the secondary?

I'd say I have about 2" of free play on the secondary when I turn it. Also, I have the cover off, when I move the track, I can see the reverse gear move 4-5 teeth of free play.

My guess is I shouldn't have any, and I have an issue between the forward and reverse gears in the chain case.



Well-known member
After finishing pulling it apart, who ever the idiot that had it apart before did not know what they were doing. BOTH the top gear nut and bottom gear bolt were only finger tight. On top of that, the washer that goes behind the bottom gear by the bearing seal was just LAYING in the bottom of the case. In tact, so it was put together that way, but its all ground up.

Reason for pulling apart was I hit a big drift, and it acted like it popped out of gear for a few seconds, and I got a wonderful sound of grinding teeth. I now know the grinding I was hearing was that locking gear on the back of the reverse gear slipping on the forward drive gear.

Anyone have one of those reverse gears with the locking gear on it cheap?