Pole approaching 40 degrees


Well-known member
WOW, if you follow this stuff, good for you, but ALL I got out of it was a bunch of mumble jumbo
he says a LOT of things that don't add up to me too!

I'd like to know what measureing device they used in 1900 that was accurate to use a a exact starting point too?
then he says, things move on average about 50 miles a yr?
so, if my math works, over a 100 yrs at 50 miles a yr, things should have ,moved only 5,000 miles as to the charts he is showinwg??
next and maybe I am just not knowing this, when he shows charts that have dates, I don't follow what dates he is working with, as 17/02/19 and 19/02/20

them numbers don't work on calendar days I know of as in Months DAY, YR??
and if he is using the it as DAY< >MONTH<> YR,
that still doesn't add up on some of the charts as they have the same day and month listed showing different results?

NOT bashing here just saying what I got out of trying to watch this and pay attention(wasn';t easy Had to speed the video up, way too slow speaking on things IMO)

and there sure seems to be a BIG jump according to him the past 20-30 yrs as to the first 70 yrs
and didn;t hear anything as to WHY,
and or how again, they were measuring magnetic's back in 1900 per regions and or locations!

Hey I;m glad this stuff interest you and there are people that try and decipher things to help predict weather or changes,

but it sure seems like a lot of talk to me about JUST someone's views and data they are finding!
are they right or wrong??
NO clue based on this video IMO!


Active member
… next and maybe I am just not knowing this, when he shows charts that have dates, I don't follow what dates he is working with, as 17/02/19 and 19/02/20

them numbers don't work on calendar days I know of as in Months DAY, YR?? and if he is using the it as
DAY< >MONTH<> YR, that still doesn't add up on some of the charts as they have the same day and month listed showing different results? …
Yes, it looks like British dates: dd/mm/yy (Today=16/03/20). Stoopid, if ya ask me.

But I've always preferred yyyy-mm-dd (Today=2020-03-16), kinda "computer-ish" as dates in that format are much easier to sort and definitely use four digits for year; we don't need no stinkin' …
(click →) Wickedypedia: "Millennium bug" again²!

The whole video didn't make a helluva lot of sense to me either, not that I don't believe it¹, it was just a totally piss-poor presentation!

¹ (As an airplane jockey, (click →) Wickedypedia:Magnetic declination/variation deserves constant attention.)
² ("Y2K": We fixed that issue at Honeywell Computer Division in 1972 — why would we wait for the last minute?)


New member
The magnetic pole is shooting towards Siberia at an alarming rate...its what's causing climate change....not us....the ice caps follow the poles....it don't get any simpler than that...hope fully it doesn't rain for 2 million years again...lol


Well-known member
The magnetic pole is shooting towards Siberia at an alarming rate...its what's causing climate change....not us....the ice caps follow the poles....it don't get any simpler than that...hope fully it doesn't rain for 2 million years again...lol

OK< so, what is suddenly causing the poles to move at such an alarming rate if its NOT humans doing it??
I mean for the past 100 yrs, when populations of humans was lower as was world development, and then the past 50 yrs so yrs things really changed with the past 30 having even more changes from humans on the environment, development and human populations, and suddenly faster changes in the poles?

so if I follow this right the poles have always been moving, BUT suddenly the past so many yrs they really sped up??

sure still seems to me to be a LOT of educated guessing on what happened or didn;t , as again, countless so called experts things thought to be RIGHT t one point in time, only end up being wrong as time passes and new equipment/science or tech, is discovered to show old thoughts were wrong!?

hard to pace a bet on WHAT IF"S?
as facts today, might be wrong in time, and its proven to have happened many many many times through history!

SO< what is the solution here???
as if??
poles shifting, weather climate changing, WHAT are we to do???


New member
Well mrbb...the only reason I tell you this is you can be prepared...one thing we CAN do is stop polluting so much...that is not helping

If is not us then what is you ask...its nature and physics...the poles switch all the time....we are just at that time is all....I dont panic....but I am informed incase I have to adjust or save my family is all....not a big deal

It's not what if...it is 100%....WHEN

And why are things proven wrong now faster that time goes by...is because in the past when they found artifacts such as the rocks....they ignored them since it didn't fit the religious story...but it was all wrong....and is changing fast now that so many are found it cannot be ignored any more...take for instance the flood...they always preached...its just a story....only it was all fact...and that's just one example


Well-known member
well I can understand being prepared and all, but if the pole shift and things go as bad as some seem to think, what can you really do ?? I mean prepared or not, if major tempos fall or rise, to the point no HUMAN life can be supported, its all for not ??

and again, you says its nature and physics.,

IMO< that just seems like a scapegoat of an answer and trying to NOT say humans have SOME effect on things, as again, as human populations hit an all time high, things are speeding up on the shifts, rather silly IMO< to NOT think there is a correlation between the two!
just many seem to just NOT want to admit this!

after all, pollution sure isn;t helping as you say,
and pollution has many effects on nature, so, why couldn;t the two have more to do with things than just its EARTH doing what it does!

I still don't see how they measured things so long ago, using tools today and not the same tools they used way back when, as IMO< there would just have to be a difference in measurements and how accurate they could even be!
as lets face it, tech and science has changed a LOT in the past 100 yrs, and them so called EXPERTS, from back then to now, ALL still cannot get along and agree on things,
for everyone that says its "THIS"< another one says S its "THAT"! and they all seem to have there views and evidence that backs THERE views up
so its like picking what you wish to believe facts are , weather IS changing thought!
maybe we need to focus more on the future of what MAYBE we can do, rather than pretending we know the past so well, as I think we DON"T, just again lots of guessing going on IMO!
and come on , just look at how many so called EXPERTS, have said Bacon is BAD for you, and then say its GOOD for you, its OK and and blah blah blah, lots of flip flopping going on over the yrs from
SO CALLED experts !
who know's,
Maybe this Corona virus will change things, LOL
