Political advertising?


New member
Hi John, The discussion board rules ask us not to comment on politics or religion. So why an advertisment for a Feingold? I probably would not call him an advocate for outdoor recreation, as we enjoy it... Just asking. Thanks


Staff member
Unfortunately I cannot block the ads that get displayed in the google adsense area before they pop up. Once one pops up that I do not want displayed, then I can block it. I will have to keep an eye out for political advertising and block those that appear.

I will say that the ads are setup to match the content of the page they pop up on, so the page must have also contained some kind of political content.

Next time you or anyone else sees such an ad, please copy the (URL) link to the ad and paste it here in this topic and then I can filter it out.



New member
Just need to mention something political then, and the ads will just come to us.

like mention
President or Congress, Senate, Election, Democrat, Republican

Maybe one of those will work?


Well-known member
This is the time of year MOST media outlets looking for advertising dollars have them POURING in, a media sales persons easiest time of their career......


Staff member
Actually, after a little poking around in the adsense program, I found a way to supposedly block political and religious ads. We'll see how it works.
