posting times..advisorys...member info


New member
Hi John, 1st i was wondering what's up with posting times? They are 6 hours ahead......2nd Your yellow winter advisory is up on the current watches and warnings but they havent appeared on other sites yet (noaa) why is that? I appreciate you being ahead of the game though..... 3rd And is there any way to change the "join date" to my correct year i joined? I look like a rookie with the 09 date..LOL .I know they got mixed up when you did the changeover. Thanks for the awesome site!
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Staff member
The time stamp problem is on your end. You need to set up your profile to be in the time zone you are posting from. To do that, you click on the "User CP" link at the top left of any board page, then under "Setting & Options" click on the "Edit Options" link. At the very bottom is where you can set your time zone.

The map you are looking at with the yellow warnings and advisories is a NWS map.

The post count issue cannot be fixed. Some profiles carried over with post counts when we moved to this new board, some did not. Sorry.



Well-known member
Arcticgeorge, I wouldn't worry about the date too much. According to John's join date, he is a rookie too. November 2009, I'm pretty sure he has been on this site longer than that date. ;)


New member
The time stamp problem is on your end. You need to set up your profile to be in the time zone you are posting from. To do that, you click on the "User CP" link at the top left of any board page, then under "Setting & Options" click on the "Edit Options" link. At the very bottom is where you can set your time zone.

The map you are looking at with the yellow warnings and advisories is a NWS map.

The post count issue cannot be fixed. Some profiles carried over with post counts when we moved to this new board, some did not. Sorry.

....Good point Favoritos..............Yes everybody knows John was the first member...HEY.....That gets me thinking who were the first members of JohnDee?........
..I'am fine with the posts, not concerned with that it was the "join date" i think i have been a member since 01 or biggie, Thanks again....No more questions from me :)


New member
First members

I don't know how many "one of the first" is, but I remember being added as a "Net Friend" to the map. Can't recall the year. I do remember there wasn't very many snowflakes on the map back then.
