Potential Avalanche Class in Marquette


New member
Got this email through a Marquette Mountain ski hill mailing list, figured someone here may be interested:

"Mike Duffy is a well known instructor that teaches Avalanche awareness, avoidance and rescue classes all over the country. Mike will be teaching a class in Green Bay on November 14th, and will do a class in Marquette the following night if we have at least 20 people. Please forward this to anyone you know who may be interested. Reply back to Jamie Close at jamieclose@pioneersurgical.com if you would like to attend."


New member
mike holds a great class
Im glad i took it made me aware of what to look for and what to or not to do while in the mountains that may save yours or your buddies life.... a must for a flatlander like me that had no clue about the mountains
made me think of things out there different way