Powder Horn Lodge


Was up north last week and swung in to see what was going on with the lodge at Powder Horn after the fire last winter. Looks like they have made good progress but lots to do to be ready for winter.


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Well-known member
Lots of good memories from the old Powderhorn Lodge (and some hazy ones).

Ironwood used to be THE place to ski in the midwest but it seems like all four Gogebic Range operations have had a tough time the last few years. I think most have restructured to eliminate a lot of their real estate properties that were simply not profitable.

Glad to see that they are rebuilding. This is still a great area to ski and if you throw in the Porkys and Mount Bohemia, it makes for a nice U.P. "Ski Tour".


I use to ski there every christmas for a week at a time, we use to rent A frames and condos and then my dad purchased a lot and we were going to build a place. We went up there in the summer to talk to the builder and he never showed. We soon realized that there is nothing to do there in the summer. We started looking around Mercer area and ended up buying a cabin. We are only 25 miles away and can enjoy the area year round. I went and looked at the place in the spring and everything up their was built in the 60s to 70s and nothings changed. They really need to figure out a way to get money in the area or it will continue to fade. I don't think families ski together anymore, I did take my wife and two kids to blackjack this spring and had an awesome day, warm weather and sunshine. Made some good memories that day.


I used to ski Indianhead, Blackjack and Powderhorn for a few weeks (2-4) a winter because my parents staggered their vacations so us kids could do more... or because it kept down on the bickering, lol. Many great memories of skiing off-trail especially at Indianhead, one time dropping an OB cliff right in front of Ski Patrol oops! Brother told him my name was spanky... "hey spanky, get down from there" I nailed the landing for the record... My dad ruptured his spleen doing a scorpion at Indianhead - a scorpion is a faceplant where you have enough momentum that your feet start coming up and look like a scorpion tail. Emergency surgery had that either removed or patch up, I was either too young or not born yet, I'd have to ask the parents.

Skied there when terrain parks were first coming into existence and they had a lot of questionable (now considered terrible design) features, but never got hurt luckily. Been there on blower powder days where I first really learned deep snow skiing. Had a buddy double-eject onto the patio at the base place, lol... I feel like busting out the photo albums and scanning some classics in now haha.

Nowadays I have a place closer to Marquette, so I ski there a lot... and Bohemia because it is THE BEST place in the midwest, hands down. I also like Utah... but who doesn't?

I remember resting up in front of the huge fireplace, couldn't believe when I read about it...


Well-known member
A "Scorpion" - I'm still chuckling at that visual. Only significant ski injury I ever had (separated shoulder) came courtesy of Big Powderhorn. The mishap had scorpion potential but instead resulted in an unplanned forward flip and a very hard landing, although witnesses say I did it with a certain amount of style.

I've hit Indianhead in late March the last couple of years. Beautiful spring weather and great snow. Since I was skiing with the grand kids, I had to demonstrate a certain lack of interest in the bikini ski race. It sure cleared off the slopes though.


New member
You know there's always been a question mark in reguard to being able to ride sleds from the trails along Rt.2 to Big Powderhorn. I know there have been threads on here about it but never a clear cut answer.

I think if it was legal it would help the economy there as I for one would ride over to partake in the activities.

Anyone know if they allow (legally) snowmobiles to get in and out of that area?
It always amazes me how things change once you go over the border into MI. Like taking a step back 30 years.

Was in Eagle River last weekend and talked to a bartender that was from Land O Lakes WI. She moved to Ironwood/Bessmer for several years. According to her, she could not wait to get back to WI. She said the drug problem in Ironwood (Hurley I would guess too) is out of control and spreading fast throughout the western UP.

Too bad, the UP has soooo much going for it. Last one out turn off the lights I guess.



Its not just the UP, our cabin is in Presque Isle WI which is just 30 mile from Hurley and they have durg issues as well. Its all over the place, when you don't work you can come up with a lot of ways to get into trouble. Its sad.
So far, Crystal Falls MI is doing o.k.... regarding drugs. Iron River MI is another story.

Last week a log trucker ran his rig into a group of trees on U.S. 2 just west of Crystal Falls. The cops came to the accident, guess what the trucker did? He pulls out his chain saw, starts it up, and threatens to cops with it. Like that is going to make the situation any better? The best part is the guy did not get any ticket, just a psychological evaluation.

If I pulled something stupid like that I would be in the brig for the rest of my life!



New member
You know there's always been a question mark in reguard to being able to ride sleds from the trails along Rt.2 to Big Powderhorn. I know there have been threads on here about it but never a clear cut answer.

I think if it was legal it would help the economy there as I for one would ride over to partake in the activities.

Anyone know if they allow (legally) snowmobiles to get in and out of that area?

We were up there last season (arrived the day the main lodge burnt down)..... Got a call from my brother-in-law as they arrived before us and said "you'll never guess what" I thought he was kidding. As we pulled in, the place was still smouldering and even flared up again that night. As far as a trail from there to trail 2, no there wasn't one. Basically had to ride the side of the road from the condo we were at, jump across hwy 2, and then hook up with trl 2 down the road a bit. We were told by the resort owners that they were trying to get a trail reestablished from the resort to 2 at that time.


Well-known member
O.K. Someone out there tell me if my memory is really failing.

I swear that when skiing at Powderhorn a few years back I used to see sleds coming right into the Powderhorn parking lot from the west and then head north towards Black River Harbor on what appeared to be a groomed trail along the road. In fact, on one trip I actually considered bringing my sled along and unloading in the parking lot to ride north.

Does anyone remember if there was ever such a trail or were people just freelancing (although it sure seemed like a lot of traffic for a non-trail route).


New member
Ok someone jump in if I’m incorrect but I understand the law either county or state in MI is that you cannot ride county or state roads unless marked for snowmobile use, to which Powderhorn Rd. is not a legal road to ride.

Yes there is a trail system to the north/northwest of the resort property but getting into the property from trail #2 is not a legal means of access and I have heard of tickets being issued for those whom try it and get caught.

I for one would LOVE to be able to utilize Powerhorn; I base myself out of Land O Lakes and have friends who own there. It would be nice to do a short day trip over there to either visit or spend a night without trailering.

If anyone can clarify with 100% confidence and show proof please post your findings either way.



New member
Ok someone jump in if I’m incorrect but I understand the law either county or state in MI is that you cannot ride county or state roads unless marked for snowmobile use, to which Powderhorn Rd. is not a legal road to ride.

Yes there is a trail system to the north/northwest of the resort property but getting into the property from trail #2 is not a legal means of access and I have heard of tickets being issued for those whom try it and get caught.

I for one would LOVE to be able to utilize Powerhorn; I base myself out of Land O Lakes and have friends who own there. It would be nice to do a short day trip over there to either visit or spend a night without trailering.

If anyone can clarify with 100% confidence and show proof please post your findings either way.


I can't confirm that there was an agreement with the authorities or not regarding the road access (no postings). We were told by the resort owners that we could use the road to access trail 2. I have been told things by other resorts in the past that have not been actually legit too. Sorry, I can't verify one way or the other.


I can't confirm either but back in the day we had a place near the pub n grub and their was a local trail from there that ran along Black River Rd that got you towards Bessemer.

In addition, I remember riding the railroad tracks right near the ski hill down towards the airport area. Not sure how the heck my dad and his buds did it but everytime we ended up coming through some park right near Don and GiGi's. I'm sure that was not legal!


New member
Nothing to do in the summer? and drugs?

Granted i havent lived here long but there are plenty of awesome things to do in the summer...... fishing, 4 wheeling, camping, canoeing, festivals/fairs, picking wild raspberries on the beach after swimming in Lake Superior, the library has had several games and activities for the kids...The historic Ironwood Theater has a play each summer where 70 kids were needed and participated in priceless memories.........................................And the drugs have not taken over Ironwood Bessemer area, we joke and call it hillbilly hills cause you get a lot of people that consider drinking a favorite past time but i havent seen or even heard about drugs being a real problem. And we have several friends that work at the schools, library etc. and we get the lowdown. Sure read the paper youll have petty crimes/breakin's or other misdemeanors but nothing most areas dont have. ................O and as far as i know i have seen tracks that head in and out of Big Powderhorn BUT the sign is one where the snowmobiler has a line through him so looks like no sleds allowed.
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Not sure if your refering to my comment or not, but my dad was born and raised in Ironwood and I've spent many and I mean lots of time in the up. I can remember staying at my grandmas place and the TV shows wounldnt come on until 8 and turn off around 10PM and I don't think there was more than 3 channls. When I was a boy downtown was the place and NOT US 2, ATV's were not invented and swimming in the lake was cold and still is. My dad was in many plays and even fell off the stage. When I spoke of Big Powderhorn I was refering to the late 60's and 70's which was the haydays for snow and the hills. Trust me the area its not what it use to be, the schools were full the town was hopping and people were working. Its still a great place but the times have changed the UP.


New member
your right hard times have hit the UP and Ironwood was booming until the mines started shutting down and most the people left in the years to come. I am friends with the author of a book on the history of Ironwood called "How it usta was" And he has shared many great stories. The main focus now is tourism, and they come from all over to visit the UP. Recently in the paper The Feds praising Ms. Bowman for distributing millions in federal loans to the community of Ironwood for home improvements and blight projects properly. So your right good ol days are gone for some.


New member
he charges $20 for the book...ill ship it for him. Cause he's already charging a low price ill cover shipping. I will get you his address so you can mail him $20. heres a little about the book........................ IRONWOOD, MICHIGAN: LIKE IT USTA WAS by Earle G. Sell, 1990. The Gogebic Iron Mining Range was the biggest producer of iron by the time it was closed in the early 60's. This book has over 400 photographs of the mines, their operation, plus information on openings and closings, production records, etc. 350 pages, photos, soft cover.