Prayers for John


New member
Just read your journal and you will be in our thoughts and prayers on Monday. Good Luck and wishing you a speedy recovery. God Bless John and take care.


Holy Camoly, I agree. Prayers are in order. No fun when ya don't feel good! Do what ya need to do to get back to ship shape. We are pulling for ya.




Active member
John, Nora and Grace you will be in our prayers and a speedy recovery is a must! You know you have the chore list ;)

All our love and prayers Linda & Mike

and PS if you need anything you have 11,000 people that care just ask!
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Active member
Holy sox, Batman!
John sure caught me by surprise with the Saturday Journal, but from the past few journals, I've been expecting him to be getting the pacemaker sooner rather than later. (More time to get ready for the next snow season, too!)

I have heard nothing but very positive reports from folks that I know with pacemakers, so I'm hoping for the same for John!

John, you sure have a whole bunch of folks pulling for ya, so prayers and good wishes for a succesful pacemaker experience and the best possible outcome for you, Nora, Gracie and the pups as well!


New member
Love and Prayers for you John!

Prayers for a very successful surgery and a speey recovery! GOD BLESS!!

I love the picture of the appletree blooms! So happy to know that the trees are growing and producing for you!

You gotta at least have Nora post for us so we know that the surgery went well and you are doing well.

Take care!




Staff member
Thanks everyone.

24 hours and 35 minutes and I will be heading in. Hopefully I am early on the list so I can get to having some food before too long tomorrow!

I'll have Nora post, or perhaps I will be put in one of the regular rooms post-op and will be able to post myself.

Thanks again!



Well-known member
God bless you and may He watch over you. May He provide you with a speedy recovery. Take care! Lookin forward to some good news.


Active member
Although we've never met, you're like a brother from another mother. You are the one who keeps this whole family together. I'm sure I can speak for all of us when I say we love you and we'll be praying for you, and your family, and we'll all be by your side through the entire process. Get yourself better bro!!

Your friend!!

Pizza Man

New member
John and family,
Prayers from our house to yours.
Welcome to the Pacer World from a fellow Pacer.
I alway refer to mine as "My Supercharger"


Active member
Thoughts and prayers coming your way Dee's.
John, maybe ask em to put on an external adjustment potentiometer, so you can crank that baby up when you get stuck, or when you head out west! :D
Seriously though, good luck John. I hope every thing works out well, and your back in the saddle in no time.


New member
Get Well John my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family May God watch over you with your up coming operation And as i said before (((((((((((JOHN))))))))) all the hugs you can need or want from all 11,677 members We all love you :)


Well-known member
I know you've been struggling with this for some time. I hope & pray all goes well with the procedure & you get back to your energetic self real soon.-Mezz