Price County, WI


Wow. This weekend was my first time riding there...we made the decision to skip Vilas Co. due to all of the crowd-drawing festivities and the holiday weekend...and I can assure you that it won't be our last. Trails were flat and twisty as heck...and there was NOBODY THERE! Amazing! We stayed in Phillips and rode up through Lugerville, Solberg Lake, Wintergreen Lake, and Round Lake on the first day and I counted NINE sleds that were heading the opposite direction in the first 60 miles! It was a little more crowded in the afternoon, but the trails were lights-out.

Sunday we rode west through Soo Lake and into Sawyer Co. Trails were choppy all day over there as we made our way over to Chippewa Flowage, but I heard it was very busy there on Saturday and no grooming took place overnight. We took the Tuscobia grade back to Price soon as we crossed the border...BUTTER smooth. Ran from Park Falls back down to Phillips for a nice 200 mile day.

Figure I might as well put this here, since I was warned about the general lack of gassing opportunities in the area by the good people of this site. Even though the last intersection off the Tuscobia in Sawyer Co is marked with a sign that says "24 Hour Gas" down in Oxbo on trail 36...DON'T YOU BELIEVE IT. That was an additional 10 miles on the tanks when we were starting to get a bit "thirsty." Made it to Park Falls without incident, thankfully!

Great job to all the grooming entities in Price...we will surely come back!


I don't get to get there as much as I'd like myself but have never had a bad time in price county love that county they mark there trails excellent and it is usually smooth sailing


Was up there a couple years ago staying in Phillips and also experienced very similar conditions as you. It also helped that it was a great snow year and anywhere from 0 to 5 above. Great area nonetheless.


New member
SSSHHHHHHHH!! This county is the "Jewel of the North"!!! My parents live there and you get spoiled on how good it is. You nailed it right on the head about the minimal stops along the way but if you plan ahead and call first to make sure they are open you won't ever be disapointed. Thats a great ride out to sawyer county and around to the tuscobia, great stop along the way is Big Bear Lodge right on Flambeau river, they also have gas. Sawyer county is usually good but never as good as Price. 4 Tuckers and 10' wide drags really makes some super highways through the woods. My kids learned to ride in Price due to the wide trails and lack of traffic. I would HIGHLY recomend stopping at The Polish Palace on Soulberg Lake, talk to Joe and Connie. They also have cabins, which are really nice. The only part of the county that there is ever a spot that might not be as good is the north east corner around Pike lake area. That is where most of the riders come in from the east and north and they seem to get beat up first. Glad to hear it was good going to gamble with the warm weather this weekend, hope it holds up.


Active member
Amen brother: my daughter and I use Price county for day trips . We trailer up to Ogema make a big loop , load sleds and back home for the night news . Usually trips late season, our trip last year we hit touched 4 counties . Price, Oneida, Iron and Taylor counties ! All the clubs in Price county do an excellent job , grooming, marking and upkeep . High Five to clubs in Price county!


Love Price Co.! That's where I always head to when staying at our cabin (next to Boomba Bar). I have only experienced one ride where they were rough and that was early season when the swamps we not yet froze. Just got back from a 3 day ride and as usual, Price was the best!