Price for used Tucker tracks


New member
Another club is selling two rubber tracks that will fit our Tucker Terra 2000. The tracks have about 2500 hours on them and they are not delaminating...yet. Tracks like this are known for delaminating around 2500 to 3000 hours. The club asked our club to make them an offer for the two tracks. So what is a fair deal for tracks like this. New tracks go for around $5000 each. So what is a fair price?


New member
I think you already replied to your own question. Not much if they are known for delaminating between 2500 and 3000 hours and have 2500 hours on them. Sounds like the other club did PM [preventive maint.] on their Tucker, before they delaminated. Good move, saves down time and the work can be done when its warm out, and not on the side of the trail. Plus they can sell the old ones to help offset the cost of new ones. mmmmm now what to do?