Price of bulk wood in the UP?


New member
Hello John,Norma,Grace,Millie,and Huck.What does a ton of bulk birch or other hard wood run in your vicinity? That's got to be the way to buy it if you want to do a little[or a lot of] work.Good luck with Grace and her colic.Hopefully it will be over soon.


I don't know of anyone that sells it by weight. I have only seen wood sold by volume. Up here a cord of wood (4'x4'x8') runs anywhere from around 65-85 dollars delivered. That is for 8' "rounds". Price is a lot different for split wood.



New member
Does anyone knows of a reasonable supplier of split/delivered birch in the Grand Marais Minnesota area? The quotes I have received have all been in the $300/cord range.


while on the subject Im going to be burning wood this winter at my camp and im wondering what is the best wood to burn in a wood stove? I just cut down and split some elm trees and a maple tree just curious what the prime wood for burning is.


I find that hickory and ash are the best for a long, steady burn, but pretty much any hardwood is going to give you a nice fire and burn longer and cleaner than a softwood.



New member
I just had 10 cords delievered to my house in Iron River, WI for $75.00/cord.

The wood shed in Poplar, WI sells a cord for $160.00. Cut to 16" lengths and split. I think it's oak, but not sure how hard it is.

Last year was the first year I heated with a wood stove. I bought a Woodstock soapstone out of MA. It is awesome, the soapstone retains heat and the catalytic combuster reburns the smoke, very clean and efficient. Can't burn wet wood. I have a small house that is open. Fan behind the stove and the house stays toasty warm for 10 hours with just three logs. The stove just about paid for itself last year.


heating with wood is very nice. I burned under 4 cord last season and heated exclusively with wood. We have a "England" air tight unit that does an incredible job. Last season I had a very large Hemlock tree on my property that was down. it fell partially into another tree a few years ago so it stayed off the ground. I asked people about burning it in my stove and most suggested I not burn it for reason of creosote build up, I burned it anyway and I went up to clean the pipe in the spring and it was clean. I couldn't even fill up a dust pan within the 18' section of stainless steel liner. Hemlock burns nice, I don't care what anybody says, I still have another full cord of it and I'll be burning it this year before long. I may even drop a few trees next week for next season, it also smells wonderful outside when I come and go, I love the smell of hemlock puffing away at the chimney