Problem with Polaris


New member
I am having trouble with our 2000 Indy Trail touring. It ran fine when I put it away but now it doesn't idle very well and lacks power/throttle response. I thought it might be bad gas?? I added fresh gas and some Heat but it didn't seem to help. I also noticed that the head and tail lights are dim even when revved up. I am concerned that there may be something wrong witht he stator. I have also noticed that when I take the plugs out they are very wet. Do I have a larger issue here or do I just need to burn off some bad gas? Thanks.


New member
You most likely have dirty carb's or if fuel injected dirty injectors which may be cleaned with Seafoam but beware it could plug them up if they are really dirty. As it breaks the junk up and passes it throught the system.


If you mixed the new gas in with the old gas drain or siphon it all out and throw it away. Clean the carbs. Put in new gas. Use Seafoam in your last tank of gas of the season this season. Heet is basically obsolete with oxygenated gas.


New member
If the sled has a battery, and the lights are dim, then lack of good spark can cause all this to happen.

You need good fuel delivery, and a strong spark...lacking any of this will cause the sled to run poorly.

If you don't have a battery, then sounds like the regulator might be bad because the headlights should brighten up as soon as the engine revs.


New member
Sounds like the regulator's on the way out and the carbs need to be cleaned. Might as well change out the fuel filter when you have the carbs off.


New member
bad gas

Turns out just to be bad gas. The heat helped but the old gas will be replaced with fresh and all will be good. Thanks for the responses.