Here are some photos.
This is the transfer gear with the teeth ground down.
Here is the inside planetary, see the wear on the small gears.
These two show what seems to be some metal out of place inside the planetary on the left, and the one on the right is another area that is clean.
Question now, is the what I will get when I buy a new planetary. or is there another part still on this assembly? I can't see how this comes apart, but the parts diagram doesn't seem to contain the cover with the 9 holes in it.
When I look at bd-extreme it doesn't look like this is the entire assembly.
Thanks, again guys, especially fishcrib for the replies. From the looks of things, and the price it looks like for replacement parts, I've got plenty of time to work on this as that last "extra" trip to the Keweenaw is definitely out of the budget now.