Purge some info


New member

I love the site and appreciate all you do. My request would be to purge the General discussion board and especially the classifieds of anything that might be SOLD or over 6 months old. There is just so much out there that could be removed. Its hard to keep track of what's current and/or ancient.

Just a thought?

Thanks again for everything you do for the sport.

Mike from Chicago


the recent topics stay at the top of the list and it shows the date of the last post. pretty easy to know what is current and what is not IMHO.


Active member
And if you always use the search page to view new messages …
Then each time you do a search you'll only see NEW messages (messages you have not seen before).

On the the search page,
Click the checkbox at Search by date:
Click the radio button at Registered users:
Enter your Username: and Password:
Choose your preferred Search topic:<sup>§</sup> or choose (All Topics)
And click the Perform Search button.
<hr width=75% size=2><sup>§</sup> If you are interested in a number of different topics, you can edit your profile and in the Favorite Topics section, choose the topics of interest as your Favorite Topics, then use My favorite topics as your preferred Search topic: on the search page.


New member
Thanks frnash. Didn't see the search option.

thebreeze. There are still posts from well over a year a go that people ask about and NEVER get a response. PURGE the old posts every 6 months and keep the site(s) clean.


About a week ago I purged all posts that have not been active in the past 90 days. I usually do that once or twice a month.
