Coming to a city near you. Can't figure why none of us shop there?????scott b - if you want or need one closer to Gogebic, there's also a super wal mart in Ironwood.
Cindy, don't make me send you my "Friends of Walmart collection. Can't beat those monster size pizzas with everything on them and they barely fit in the oven for $8.00 Just need to take it to the cabin and bake it!! oh, wait a minute I never shop Walmart. never mind.PR1 - I shop there?!? The one by me sucks so usually not...but my favorite is the Minocqua WI one and I liked the one in Ironwood too.
Thanks guys. We are heading up north tonight and then to Copper Harbor tomorrow for the day, was looking for a location on the way back to LG. As much as I like to support the local stores it is hard to beat Walmart when your shopping list includes diapers, food, kids toys and likely some electronic device.
shopping list includes diapers, food, kids toys and likely some electronic device.
sn't either Festival Foods (just a half mile south on M-26 from Walmart) or Econo Foods (just a half mile north on M-26 from Walmart — still open 24 hours?) a good alternative?
Cindy, don't make me send you my "Friends of Walmart collection. Can't beat those monster size pizzas with everything on them and they barely fit in the oven for $8.00 Just need to take it to the cabin and bake it!! oh, wait a minute I never shop Walmart. never mind.
If your shopping list includes broccoli, lucky charms, drywall screws, lag bolts and toilet parts, Festival Foods is half hardware store and half grocery store!