Questions for Keweenaw peninsula locals


New member
Greetings, I visit this site often, but don’t post much since I don’t sled anymore, but very much enjoy reading all of the insight here, and of course JD’s journal, cam network, etc.

I’m planning a motorcycle ride in June, and and although we have been to Da Harbor many times, I’d like to run up 203, and work our way up the West side of the peninsula. We’ll make our return trip down the East side as we have done before, but I’m always looking for some interesting stops along the way.

I noticed on my Rec Atlas there is a spot called “Lookout Landing Observation Tower” and it appears to be off High Point Road? So the questions are, is this a place one can ride a street motorcycle to? Is it a place with a great view? Is there a tower to climb for a great view. Does it even exist? Maps are funny sometimes. ;-)

Thanks in advance.

Cheers, Smokey


Staff member
Unless one just went up this autumn that I did not know about, there is no observation tower at High Rock. Just a plaque commemoration where they used to test fire rockets back in the day.

Neat views, but you are getting them all from standing on solid ground (unless you climb a tree!).

As for getting to there with a street bike, it will depend on how wet it has been recently. Can be some big puddles or even mud holes just before you get there. Otherwise, the main road up and around the point is good. Can be bumpy, but regular cars get out there.



Well-known member
Possibly mistaking the look out observation tower in Pheonix? On top of the "High" rocks of the Cliff Range...?? I am guessing that might be what is being referred to as that would be where they would turn to take the Lake Shore ride onto the Harbor. Just a guess...-Mezz


Staff member
I had thought about Elmo's tower, but it's privately owned and on private property, so would hope a recreational atlas would not try and send folks to it! I guess you never know.



New member
There is a lookout tower, but it is in the Churning Rapids bike/hike/xc ski trail system. It is probably half a mile to a mile from high point road, so not accessible unless you're willing to park the bike and hike through the woods. It would be a nice hike, but the view from the tower is nothing real special.


Well-known member
High Point Road is off 203 coming out of Hancock.

We love the beauty of High Rock, but I'm pretty sure this question is not about that location.

Smokey, have a great trip. Hopefully someone can answer the question. It is a bit confusing when you say "Da Harbor", there are a few of them.

Looks like Blizzardmk beat me to it.
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