

New member

Glad to hear you are on the road to recovery!

Couple questions for you

1. THe current High that is keeping most of the nation baking, is it what is referred to as a Bermuda High or is this in a different location?

2. Is this having any effect on the Hurricane season. And does this type of system last for long periods?

I know, more than 2 questions, but I'm curious




Staff member
Most ridging in the central US in the summer is some form of an extension of the tropical ridging like the Bermuda High, but the one last week was not. There was some shower and thunderstorms activity in the southeast US and with a Bermuda High, that activity will be squelched by the high as well.

I don't think it is having much of an impact on the Hurricane season. There were two named storms that formed on the west and NW side of the Bermuda high last week, but remained out in the Atlantic. Even though the tropical season starts June 1, the activity does not typically get ramped up until we reach mid-August.

As far as how long it will last, it has already broken down and it why temps in much of the northern 1/2 of the US are cooler. Most of the heat in the southern US is just typical heat for the end of July.
