So do you see now how it appears that the Earth is out two months because now it's as if this is December and winter is just starting up this is what I'm talkin about hopefully it's visible to you now what say you
I would agree more to the argument of seasons shifting more so than global warming, I just hope then that it doesn't drag into april like it did last year.
I can get the snow line is shifting, that;'s for sureThink of it this way mrbb.... the line of snow has shifted to Northwards of your location.... and I'll use my area as an example it's more of a shifting if you look at it that way because of the degrees....
So my snowline used to be about Indianapolis to Cincinnati range running eastwards and now that the shift enough degrees has changed the Snow Line appears to be at about Kenosha to Illinois eastwards below Grand Rapids somewhere.... which is approximately 50 miles north of the bottom of the lake Michigan in that range now it shifted that much northwards so in your area whatever was snow line below you has now shifted above you do to the degrees so approximately 50 miles north of you it should be snowy with trails open am I correct
Ps... from wherever you think it used to be snowy below you has shifted approximately 300 miles northward from that area now
50 to a 100 miles north of me, NO SNOW< NO OPEN TRAILSYou still didn't answer the most important question 50 to 100 miles north of you is there snow and are the trails open and if that range is in the middle of a lake then on the other side of the shore how many miles is it and is there snow and are the trails open this will tell you where the snow line moved to
50 to a 100 miles north of me, NO SNOW< NO OPEN TRAILS
so?? does that answer your question
I can go about 300 miles north of me and STILL not hit any real snow
closest REAL snow to me is about 13 hours away north east of me!
yet I should have snow HERE this time of yr, so a 100 north, or 200 north and ZERO snow to ride on!
and hasn't been any last few winters either!
how does this play into your idea here
and just asking
the southern part of MY state(PA)(say Philly area, about a 100 + miles and change south of me!)
the past few yrs has actually been getting MORE snow than the northern part that normally gets snow?
doesn't last very long, but in pure inches falling per season, there higher lately than my area!
which was never a thing in my life time!
same can be said about DC, Maryland and Virginia too!
so, if snow is drifting north more, how does this happen? LOL
I just hope there are a group of politicians with a plan to tax us out of this climate mess.