Rain and warm temps ?


New member
Hi John, We are heading to Houghton/Hancock to ride the trails from 2/18 till 2/22 With your weather forecasting hat on how bad will the conditions be as far as the amount of rain and above freezing temp conditions for that period. With your snowmobiling riding helmet on, what will this amount of rain and warm temps do to the trails as far as riding conditions. Will the rain on Friday 19th and above freezing temps on Saturday 20th make conditions not worth riding. Is there any hope of improvement by Sunday 21st and Mon 22nd ? This was to be our only trip to the area this season from Indiana



Staff member
Hi Larry.

Most of what you are asking is for an opinion on how things will be and since opinions can vary so much from individual to individual, I refrain from that. I can say that it looks like some light rains will fall from late Thursday night into Friday and then things will cool enough so that any precip beyond Friday night would be snow. Not a lot, but perhaps a fresh coating. New snows look to arrive by later Sun into Mon and look to be at least a few inches.

I can say that you will not have to worry about bare spots. It will be the quality of the snow on the trails (getting like snowcones) when it is raining. The snows seen for later Sun into Mon would probably be enough to repair any damage.
