Hi guys, rode new 2011 Z1 Lxr 1st time feb 22nd, stiff ride, thought it just had to loosen up.. 1000 miles on it, rode with a bud, and he said rear was sagging, he lifted it up, and there was a binding metalic noise. took it to Heinens in msp on a sat, they had rear shocks rebulit by monday! ride is worse tho, were there defective parts put back in rebuilds? and shocks not covered under warrenty, but crappy ride since day 1. Also have a 2011 f5 lxr, I rode f5 behind z1 and when bud would have to stand up, I could sit down thru the same medium bumps. z1 rear very harsh stacatto or choppy over even small bumps, where I barely feel them on F5. Z1 acts like riding in a little red wagon with solid axels. Something's wrong. not sure if new shocks will fix suspension. everyone on here says Z1 and twin spar has a great ride.. Thanks in advance for any help.. Love the rest of the sled, but if If I cant fix the suspension, I'll be forced to trade it in. I don't want to , but its miserable to ride as is..