Recalls must only work once


New member
My wifes Explorer had the rear window try and fall off (acutally pretty much did)about two years ago. Happened away from home and was rainin like crazy.I rigged the hinges and made them work until we could get it in and wham, that night on the news there was something about a recall on that very item. Called the dealer the next day, had to wait a few days for dealer to get his paper work and pooof, problem fixed. New hinges, no cost, hand shake and have a good day. Now this last weekend I noticed the window making noise. "Rattlin" so I called the dealer. I notice that one of the hinges is turned sideways and bout ready to break. And low and behold, no warentee. And recall only worked once. I can't believe it. Hinges were bad enought the first time to warrent a recall but now the ones that they put on aint no good and that is just tough crap for Doug....


Active member
recall o4s20

i am a service manager for a ford dealer , yes recall is on good once . recall gives customer new design parts, heres my suggestion if you are gonna fix ask for the recall kit , they will ask with beauty bolts or without bolts, you just need hinges , so you need kit without beauty bolts. recall kits price is lower than individual hinges {because ford is paying the bill}i have seen a few later explorers with the window hinges breaking lately ,