Recommendations for Rocky Mountain Riding.


New member
I have traveled to Togwotee several times in the past 20 years and looking for another recommended destination to ride in the Western US. I live in WI and travel west. Looking for a resort that offers accommodations, including lodging, food, guided back country powder riding, and sled rental. Ski doo rental is highly preferred. If you have any ideas please let me know. Idaho, Montana, or Wyoming are the preferred area but open to suggestions. Thank you.


West Yellowstone has it all. There are many places to stay, rent, guide. We go there yearly. The amount of different riding you can find is a benefit. You may have to travel a little further out by trail to get to the great riding spots compared to Togwotee.


Steamboat Lake Colorado is at the north end of CO not far from the WY border. There is a great resort there (Hahn's Peak Roadhouse) with great food, fuel, parts, and there are both Ski Doo and Polaris rental places. Steamboat CO is just to the south about 35 miles for Skiing and all your needs (groceries, hardware, dealerships, walmart, booze, etc...) There are several parks up in the Steamboat lake area accessed by groomed trails. It's really nice. Not "steep", but lots of rolling hills, open yet treed areas, meadows, and fun back country riding. I reccomend it. Been there 4 times now. Good snow, good people. There are many house rentals available around there too. Just google it. Lots of info. brian is the owner and the place is awesome. Been going out there for the past 7 or 8 years. They are about a 2 hour drive north of Salt lake city airport. New Ski Doo summits EVERY year. Guides available. Awesome chefs on site that do all of your cooking for breakfasts and lunch. 1st tank of gas and oil is included with your rentals and the prices are by far the best in the west. Lodge is small (13 rooms), there is no bar, but you can bring your own if needed. Highly Recommended!!!
Plus, theres never anyone around. We never see other sleds.
Example package:
4 Nights Lodging
3 All Day Snowmobile Rentals - Summit REV 600
*Snowmobile Fuel, Helmet, and Clothing
Country Style Breakfast each Morning
Dinner three evenings
Sunday - Thursday.....$949/person
Weekend & Holiday Stays Add.....$50/person
Prices based on two person occupancy.
*Packages include one tank of fuel. Snowmobile upgrades available. Only $50 to upgrade to a 800cc summit.
Rates do not include sales tax and gratuity.