Record warm-up for UP?


Well-known member
Hello John,
Many of us have been discussing the idea that the current warm-up (and the next coming attached days) may create a record for the books for length of warm-up. These January thaws seem to end in four days with a week being extreme. We'll, we are at six days; any thoughts for us non-experts?

Thank you, Bear

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Sorry, Bear


Active member
This fog,fog and more fog is getting very old!!

I always have felt/thought fog during the winter leads to nothing good happening. It all started back for us back in the late 90's and we drove up to minocqua on early heavily foggy morning, 51 was clear but as soon as we hit a hilly side road the trailer passed us an we did a 180 an went down the hill backwards, we worked our way back to the country kitchen on 51, got out and the truck/trailer started to follow us in, so we moved it to flat spot in the back, then as we sat by the window eating a garbage truck started sliding toward the builder where we were sitting. We were done at that point as we started to head back home, but decided to turn around and just drop the sleds in town and ride but then I got stuck in loop driveway that was blocked and when backing up the trailer kept Jack knifing on ice as it was slightly sloped to the side, I was able to drag the trailer/sleds ,by hand, to jackknife in the opposite direction and push the trailer backwards to get out, in hindsight I do not know how I had enough grip on that ice to drag the trailer by hand, but I did. I still get the chills to this day and every time fog comes into play over the years something does not go right for us. Fog + winter = bad news.
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Staff member
It was a nasty warm spell. Not only by the actual temps, but time involved. This is not the kind of map we all like to see for January 15-22!


To reiterate my thoughts on a previous post concerning records, I'm pretty sure almost all of the weather extremes we have experienced during our short lifetimes have been exceeded at some point in the past but not always well documented.

How about a warm spell in Upper Michigan that lasts for the entire winter? From Karl Bohnak's So Cold A Sky, "Over 130 years of records show that the winter of 1877-78 stands alone for both its warmth and lack of snow." Also that winter, "There was a "light April shower" February 7 in Ishpeming. At the same time, plans were made for a sleigh ride and surprise party at Humboldt on February 15. It promised to be a grand affair. However gentlemen would only be allowed to take along one bottle of whiskey apiece. The whole event hinged on snow; so it probably was cancelled." Apparently combining drinking and sledding is nothing new either. LOL.

Me, I'm a little concerned about the upcoming Noquemanon ski marathon this weekend. The usual course crosses both Deer Lake and Dead River basin as well as Forestville ponds further down. If it starts snowing before the slush freezes, could be iffy. Maybe need to carry a bottle of whiskey on that one too!