Reliable means to measure temps



Could you please give me a good idea how to accuratly measure temp. The household type with a wire and sensor may work but I believe placement of the sensor is critical, say if the window trim is wrapped in aluminum and sensor secured to it. How about a weather station of some sort, any advice? Shouldnt be that hard but any thermo will give a number but how to do it accuratly is the question


Active member
I don't often "double post", but I'll make an exception here.
From the Warm up. trail conditions thread:

This may be of some help.

1. A high quality, calibrated thermometer, preferably remote reading, installed in …
2. An instrument enclosure, perhaps such as that shown on JD's ALCam.
Without the enclosure, it will be plagued by direct sunlight.

It also comes down to how much do you want to spend. At the top end, you can probably invest $1000.00 or more in a the top-of-the-line professional Davis Instruments Vantage Pro2 weather station and the installation.

Here's a great source: ambient weather, also see their Low price Quote Page.

I'm waitin' to see John's advice!


Hi Lenny.

To get a really reliable temperature measurement you will most likely have to spend a little money. You do not need the top of the line weather station like the $1000 one, but you might have to spend a hundred or two on one of the low end wired models.

The biggest issue is to shelter the temperature sensor from heat sources like direct sunlight or even reflected heat energy from the ground, a house or other object. The weather stations come with a shelter for the temp sensor and they work pretty good. You could build one, basically a box that is painted completely white and has enough vents in it to allow for decent air movement through it.

If you find a decent thermometer, then you could just use that and put it in the shelter, rather than get an entire weather station just to read temps.

I like the ability to read the dewpoint as well as that has as much to do with snowmelt as actual air temps.

I hit 38 degrees today, but the air was so dry it was like it did not even go above freezing. We rode this afternoon and while it was awesome to be out there in the warm temps, we had powdery snow all day. All because the air was dry.

Get a temp of 33 with a dewpoint of 33 or 32 and watch the snow melt!

Hope this helped!


PS the shelter does not need to be big like mine, just big enough to house the thermometer and be sure to put vents in it so it can "breathe" and keep up with the temperature changes.


New member
I see the premier sled advertisement is now in the middle my question is can you now put the temp back up on the right hand corner?

its one of the best way to gauge whats going on!!