Removal of stickers/vinyl letters from trailer


New member
I'm looking for an easy way of removing vinyl letters and stickers from our enclosed trailer. The trailers black and these have been on there for a while. I'm not sure what to use that won't damage the color. Thanks for your help.


You'll have to peel the vinyl by hand, maybe use a little (more than a little will damage the paint) heat from a hair dryer or heat gun to help. Then used WD-40 to remove the leftover glue. This will work.


New member
The good thing is that the trailer is not paint. Its that black material, similar to a thick lexan. I just don't want to stain it with Goo Gone or anything as we are getting graphics put on it after its cleaned up.


I always use a heat gun, or a hair dryer, if you don't have a heat gun. The hair dryer won't get as hot, but will work very well. Don't get the decal too hot, or it will tear easily. You will get the hang of it after a few trys. If you can find the right temperature, the glue will come off with the decal. If not, use any naturally based citrus cleaner for glue removal. I use 3M citrus cleaner in an aerosol can. It won't hurt the plastic, paint or anything else you get it on. I wouldn't use WD-40 if you are putting on new decals, as it will leave a film on the surface. The last thing you need is for your new decals to come off, or the edges to release.