Ride in 2013


New member
I have tried about 6 times to sign up for the Ride and it says waiting for paypal when I click pay, and then nothing happens. I dont know if it is my problem or something else. thanks


Active member
I have tried about 6 times to sign up for the Ride and it says waiting for paypal when I click pay, and then nothing happens. I dont know if it is my problem or something else. thanks

Try right clicking on the 'register' button and open the link in a new tab or page.


New member
same thing happening to me..wont let me sign up & pay...I'm on a friends mac computer...how do u right click anything on a mac??


Staff member
...I'm on a friends mac computer...how do u right click anything on a mac??

I have no clue how to right click on a mac. What you can do is use the link from my home page to the main ride-in page (says "Read More...") Then once that page opens, click on the link to register. Then once the registration page opens, hold the shift key and click on the refresh button on your browser to force a refreshing of the page. That might help.

Sure wish I knew what was going wrong. This is my first stint with setting up a way to get money from paypal and so far I am not impressed in a number of ways.



Active member
John - Do you have it set so PayPal doesn't get any fees? I know there is a way to do it when sending money to people by clicking 'Other' and 'Personal'.


Staff member
John - Do you have it set so PayPal doesn't get any fees? I know there is a way to do it when sending money to people by clicking 'Other' and 'Personal'.

As I was setting things up, it looked like we needed to be a charitable org (501c3) so just went with the standard setup, where Paypal gets a small cut, but it is pretty small and will not have a meaningful impact on the funds raised.



Staff member
In regards to the restored Ski Doo, do you "need to be present to win" at the Ride-In?

Nope. The winner will be announced on the site (in several locations likely) the next day after the drawing, but they do not need to attend the even to win the sled.



Active member
John, I finely had time to get back and sign up today, I got to paypal fine, entered all my info fine and it now tells me "You have already signed up with this account information" I know I haven't signed up for this year yet. Not sure what to do now? Have you seen a payment from us? Maybe I'm losing my mind!? :rolleyes:


Staff member
Hi Linda, sorry the registration is picking on you so much this year. I checked the paypal account and did not see your transaction, so you can go ahead and sign up.



Active member
Hi Linda, sorry the registration is picking on you so much this year. I checked the paypal account and did not see your transaction, so you can go ahead and sign up.


Well John, all i can say is I may have to sign up with you and send up a check

I have tried 3 different credit cards, I really can't change my address or name, I cleared my cache again, rebooted and it keeps telling me the same thing

"You have already signed up with this account information"

Baffled to say the least, I use paypal all the time and never had any problem....and I used to think I was pretty savvy :confused:


Staff member
That would be fine Linda and same goes for anyone else that wants to register via mail. Just send a check, plus the name(s) being registered and shirt sizes.

I will put a note on the registration page too.
