Rideable trails by the 10th?


Can someone tell me should I get excited yet? I know there will be a slight thaw this weekend, but I have a week off starting 12/10. I<m not sure, but will there be any trails open worth riding by then? My new Doo is making all kinds of funny noises sitting in the trailer,sounds like he"s going to explode if he can"t get out and play! Maybe I could rent a snow making machine!!


Well-known member
Greg, you need to relax a little. If you want to burn off some of that excitement, you can come over and split some wood for me. I'll even fire up my sled so you can enjoy the aroma and imagine there was more snow.


Greg, you need to relax a little. If you want to burn off some of that excitement, you can come over and split some wood for me. I'll even fire up my sled so you can enjoy the aroma and imagine there was more snow.

Now johnny,nothing wrong with being excited. But the thought of 2 stroke smell sounds wonderful! By the way are you sure your green buddies still run? I know it"s been awhile since you ran them..... invitation"s still there to come up to the cottage this winter